I took too much time to start this
. I like writing. I had the “idea” for Career Adventurer in 2020. Yet, I waited. I waited for the “right time.” I made excuses. I’ve got kids. I’ll wait ‘til inspiration hits. I’ll “validate” the idea with one more person before I start. So what changed?I got laid off. I suddenly didn’t have an excuse for putting this into the world. I could have just put my head down and applied to ten jobs per day, I guess. But, as we’ve discussed, applying to jobs blindly is a tough road. Plus, as I discussed with my friend Heather Christman, I had a disorienting moment. I looked for a job, but that only required so much time during the day. So, why not write. Why not start?
There’s Something About Gravestones…
The importance of jumping into new “career projects” was never more clear to me recently. On Tuesday, January 22nd I was on a Cincinnati Underground tour with my colleagues at The Garage Group, an Innovation & Growth Strategy Consulting firm.
It was a cold, dreary, rainy day. It was perfect crypt visiting weather. We were touring the Over-the-Rhine historic district just north of downtown Cincinnati. If you are in Cincinnati, visit this neighborhood! It is home to great restaurants, an iconic brewing heritage, and unique architecture.
Half way through the tour, we visited a crypt underneath St. Francis Seraph Parish, an iconic Cincinnati church. We wandered among the gravestones. Our tour guide rattled off witty jokes, one-by-one. Many of us were likely worried about some phantasm grabbing and dragging us to Hades sooner than we’d like. Then, she drew our attention to Mrs. Mary Frantz’s gravestone. It said…
Remember friends as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, so you must be, Prepare for death and follow me.
She was 21 years, 3 months, and 6 days. My guess is her intent was to remind readers of their vitality while they still have it. Take advantage of youth. It is fleeting. When she says, “follow me” maybe all she meant is that we should prepare ourselves for the inevitable; follow her in reminding others of how short life really is.
Close to her gravestone was James Kelly’s. He died in 1834 at the age of 44. 150 years ago the average life expectancy was only 40 years old. Yes, science has helped us thrive as a species. But, we shouldn’t take this for granted.
We shouldn’t assume we’re entitled to time. We shouldn’t say, I’ll launch my dream business tomorrow. I’ll ask for my promotion next year. I’ll wait for the perfect moment to ask about being assigned to that new project. We prepare for death by living life.
Just Do It!!! (Thanks Nike)
Don’t wait. Act today. Enough paralysis. Most people who aren’t egocentric want to know our desires. They want to know us: our fears, our desires, our likes and dislikes.
Good managers want to know what fuels us. They want to know our desired adventures. They can help only if we share, within reason. Be vulnerable. It took me five years to say I was interested in moving from finance to marketing at P&G. The reason: fear.
I was afraid I’d suck at marketing. Understandable, but not the best reason to stay put. I was afraid of what my career champions would think. Again, understandable, but it isn’t their life. It’s mine. It’s yours. True champions will listen, empathize, and help you uncover the right career decisions. Find them. Say, Hey, I’m looking for someone to help me think about a career interest I’m considering.
But How? You May Wonder
You already know how. Regardless, here are a few simple thoughts on what you might do.
Listen to Yourself - As discussed previously, listen to the whispers in your head, to quote Stephen Spielberg. You have moments of truth everyday. They hit like a torrent, coming seemingly out of nowhere. They say, Wouldn’t that be a cool job!? Or, Sue seems to be really happy at her new company. I think I might like that too? Or, I should start that Etsy business. Take note of the ones that recur.
Give Your Thoughts Air - Don’t save them for yourself. Share your “crazy” ideas with a true confidant. True confidants are unbiased. They listen. They don’t tell you what to do or not to do. They empathize. They ask pointed questions to help you see the answers yourself. In sharing, you are refining, testing your seriousness. One caution: Be careful asking them what to do. This is your responsibility. They may provide unintentionally biased perspectives that will make you question a move.
Start Small - Are your whispers telling you to pivot to a career in AI? Resist the urge to sign up for that expensive certificate on AI and machine learning. Instead, find a free or low cost way to dabble. I recently completed a free Hubspot Content Marketing certificate. Given my interest in writing, storytelling, marketing, and business strategy, I thought it could be cool.
What Small Action Will You Take, Today?
You’re going to die, just like Mary Frantz. Sorry for the bad news. The jury is out on when, luckily. Could be tomorrow. Hope not! Could be when you are 100. Please! What are you waiting to start? Why? As Dr. Leo Marvin (i.e. - Richard Dreyfus) a encouraged Bob (i.e. - Bill Murray) in What About Bob?, what baby step can you take to get rolling?
Thanks for reading!
Paul G. Fisher
The Career Adventurer
“Fear is the mind killer”
Sends one into paralysis!